Help wanted!
Would you like to help us making the 65th StuTS a memorable event? Why not join the team? Most of the tasks below are for local students from Cologne only, but some are open for everyone. Just have a look and get in touch if you find something you would like to help us with!
Wanted: Communication assistants!
Are you a competent user of German Sign Language (DGS)? Are you confident in communicating with signers and non-signers? Then why not volunteer as a communication assistant? For your help, you will get a free ticket to the 65th StuTS and a wonderful T-Shirt. (Location: irrelevant!)
Put up the poster
Would you like to advertise the 65th StuTS at your university? Then you can either get in touch with us to see if your university got posters and who has them in their post box or download the poster here, print it and put it up yourself. You’d make it possible for us to reach new people with that, so thaaanks!